Water and dust suction machines

مكنسة كيتيك سحب وشفط مياه وأتربة  2 موتور 55 لتر  موديل (KV492IM )

- قدرة الموتور :2* 1050 واط - 1250 واط كحد أقصى - معدل تدفق الهواء = 410 متر مكعب في الساعة - 2 موتور - الجهد: 220-240 فولت/50-60 هرتز - الوزن: 15 كجم - أبعاد الصندوق: 570 × 570 × 1010 - سعة الخزان = 55 لتر - وزن الماكينة = 16 كجم - طول كابل الماكينة 5 متر - مزودة بمقبض عملي

16500.0 EGP
مكنسة كيتيك سحب وشفط مياه وأتربة  3 موتور 55 لتر  موديل (KV493IM)

مكنسة كيتيك الصناعية: الحل الأمثل لتنظيف المساحات الكبيرة هل تبحث عن حل فعال لتنظيف المساحات الواسعة بكفاءة عالية؟ هل تعاني من صعوبة في التخلص من الأتربة والمياه في أماكن العمل الكبيرة؟ لا تقلق بعد الآن! مكنسة كيتيك الصناعية هي الحل الأمثل لجميع احتياجاتك التنظيفية. في هذا المقال، سنستعرض بالتفصيل مزايا وخصائص مكنسة كيتيك الصناعية لشفط الأتربة والمياه، والتي تعد ثورة حقيقية في عالم التنظيف الصناعي. دعونا نكتشف معًا كيف يمكن لهذه المكنسة الإيطالية الصنع أن تغير تجربة التنظيف لديك بشكل جذري. - قدرة الموتور :3 * 1050 واط - 1250 واط كحد أقصى - معدل تدفق الهواء = 600 متر مكعب في الساعة - 3 موتور - الجهد: 220-240 فولت/50-60 هرتز - الوزن: 15 كجم - أبعاد الصندوق: 570 × 570 × 1010 - سعة الخزان = 55 لتر - وزن الماكينة = 17 كجم - طول كابل الماكينة 5 متر - مزودة بمقبض عملي

20500.0 EGP
مكنسة كيتيك سحب وشفط مياه وأتربة  2 موتور 70 لتر  موديل (KV692IM)

عندما يتعلق الأمر بتنظيف المساحات الكبيرة مثل المساجد، القاعات، أو المكاتب الإدارية، تحتاج إلى جهاز تنظيف فعال وقوي يوفر لك الأداء الأمثل في أقصر وقت ممكن. إذا كنت تبحث عن الحل المثالي لتنظيف المساحات الواسعة بكفاءة وسرعة، فإن مكنسة برميلية 70 لتر 2 موتور من ماركة كيتيك KETEK هي الخيار الذي يجب أن تعتمد عليه. هذه المكنسة مصنوعة في إيطاليا بجودة أوروبية عالية وتتميز بقدرتها الفائقة على شفط الأتربة والمياه على حد سواء، مما يجعلها مثالية للاستخدام اليومي. - قدرة الموتور :2* 1050 واط - 1250 واط كحد أقصى -معدل تدفق الهواء = 410 متر مكعب في الساعة - 2 موتور -الجهد: 220-240 فولت/50-60 هرتز -الوزن: 15 كجم -أبعاد الصندوق: 570 × 570 × 1010 -سعة الخزان = 70 لتر -وزن الماكينة = 21 كجم -طول كابل الماكينة 5 متر

18000.0 EGP
مكنسة 2 موتور 70 لتر مزودة بالمياه الساخنة لغسيل السيارات من الداخل موديل   (kv72exh)

- قدرة الموتور = 2 * 1100 - 1200 وات كحد أقصى - الجهد = 220-240 فولت / 50 -60 هرتز - الوزن 26 كجم - قوة المضخة = 48 وات - 2 موتور - طول كابل الماكينة = 5 متر سعة الخزان = 70 لتر - معدل تدفق الهواء = 350 متر مكعب في الساعة - اقصى درجة حرارة للمياه المتدفقة = 90 درجة مئوية - تانك الماكينة مصنوع من الستانلس ستيل -

45000.0 EGP
مكنسة شفط مياه وأتربة للأنتريهات والمفروشات 34 لتر موديل   (kv30pex)

قدرة الموتور = 1100 / 1200 وات بحد أقصى - - الجهد = 220-240 فولت / 50 -60 هرتز 1 موتور - طول كابل الماكينة = 10 متر - - قوة المضخة = 48 وات سعة الخزان = 34 لتر - تدفق الهواء = 220 متر مكعب في الساعة - تانك الماكينة مصنوع من البلاستيك عالي الجودة - وزن الماكينة = 13 كجم -

15000.0 EGP
مكنسة شفط المياه والأتربة  1 موتور 34 لتر موديل  (kv29i)

- قدرة الموتور :1 * 1050 واط - 1250 واط كحد أقصى - معدل تدفق الهواء = 260 متر مكعب في الساعة - 1 موتور - الجهد: 220-240 فولت/50-60 هرتز - الوزن: 10 كجم - أبعاد الصندوق: 390× 390× 720 - سعة الخزان = 34 لتر - طول كابل الماكينة 10 متر

8400.0 EGP
مكنسة شفط أتربة كيتيك محمولة 10 لتر موديل   kv10sp

عندما يتعلق الأمر بتنظيف المساحات الراقية مثل الفيلات، القصور، الفنادق، والمكاتب الإدارية، فإن الكفاءة والسهولة هما العنصران الأساسيان لتحقيق نتائج مرضية. إذا كنت تبحث عن جهاز تنظيف قوي ومحمول يمكنه التعامل مع الأماكن الضيقة والمساحات الكبيرة على حد سواء، فإن مكنسة شفط الأتربة المحمولة على الظهر من ماركة كيتيك KETEK هي الحل الأمثل. بفضل تصميمها الإيطالي العصري وقوة المحرك العالية التي تصل إلى 900 وات، تقدم هذه المكنسة أداءً استثنائيًا مع سهولة فائقة في التنقل. إذا كنت تبحث عن مكنسة قوية، خفيفة الوزن، وسهلة التنقل لتلبية احتياجاتك في تنظيف الفيلات، القصور، المكاتب الإدارية أو الفنادق، فإن مكنسة شفط الأتربة المحمولة على الظهر من ماركة كيتيك KETEK هي الخيار الأمثل. بفضل تصميمها الإيطالي المتين ومحركها القوي بقدرة 900 وات، يمكنك الاعتماد عليها لتحقيق نتائج تنظيف مثالية دون جهد كبير. احصل على مكنسة كيتيك الآن واستمتع بتنظيف احترافي لا يضاهى. قدرة الموتور = 900 وات معدل تدفق الهواء = 180 متر مكعب لكل ساعة طول كابل الماكينة = 10 متر سعة تانك الماكينة = 10 لتر كاملة بالمشتملات

12000.0 EGP
28 liter Italian water suction machine ASHLEY KOMBO

A dust and water suction machine with a capacity of 28 liters, a tank made of stainless steel, with a motor capacity of 1200 watts, operating on 220 volts. Brand: Lavor Manufacture: Italian Model: ASHLEY KOMBO Operating current: 220 Volt - 50 Hz - 1 phase Motor capacity: 1200 watts Operation stages:- 1 motor Tank capacity: 28 liters 14+14 Tank type: stainless steel ------- Al-Hurriya Supplies Company --- an authorized distributor of original Lavor products - beware of imitations!! For further inquiries Mr. Ahmed Saif 00201224733621 - 00201012098265

9385.0 EGP
50 liter water suction machine GB 50XE

Dust and water suction machine with a capacity of 50 liters, made of stainless steel, with a motor capacity of 1600 watts, operating current of 220 volts. Brand: Lavor Manufacture: Italian Model: GB 50XE Operating current: 220V-50Hz - 1 phase Motor capacity: 1600 watts Operation stages:- 1 motor Tank capacity:- 50 litres Tank type: stainless steel Other specifications:- The broom is wheel-loaded for easy movement ------- Al-Hurriya Supplies Company --- an authorized distributor of original Lavor products - beware of imitations!! For further inquiries Mr. Ahmed Saif 00201224733621 - 00201012098265

11340.0 EGP
Dust and liquid suction machine soteco vacuum cleaner Pand 640 78 liter

Dust and liquid suction machine with a tank capacity of 78 liters, made of stainless steel Italian made, high quality With 3 suction motors With a tank capacity of 78 litres Equipped with a trolley for easy movement

27496.0 EGP
Dust and liquid suction vacuum cleaner, 120 liters, 5 HP, on a Turkish HAZAN trolley, model AMSTERDAM 533

An industrial vacuum that suctions dust and liquids from a stainless steel tank on a metal trolley on wheels. Engine capacity (in horsepower): 5 hp 220 volts Air flow (l/min) 8.600 litres Filter surface (cm2) 52,000 cm2 Tank capacity (litres): 120 litres Hose diameter (mm) 38mm Includes all operating components

50560.0 EGP
Dust and liquid suction vacuum cleaner, 120 liters, 7.5 HP, on a Turkish HAZAN trolley, model TAURUS 505

Industrial vacuum cleaner for suction of dust and liquids, 380 volts, 3 phase Stainless steel tank on a metal trolley on wheels Engine capacity (in horsepower): 7.5 hp 380 volts Air flow (l/min) 8.700 litres Tank capacity (litres): 120 litres Equipped with a 52,000 cubic centimeter multicyclone filter Includes all operating components

140636.0 EGP
Dust and liquid suction vacuum cleaner, 140 liters, 5 HP, on a Turkish HAZAN trolley, model AMSTERDAM 633

An industrial vacuum that suctions dust and liquids from a stainless steel tank on a metal trolley on wheels. Engine capacity (in horsepower): 5 hp 220 volts Air flow (l/min) 8.600 litres Filter surface (cm2) 19.500 cm2 Tank capacity (liters) 140 litres Hose diameter (mm) 38mm and 90mm Includes all operating components

60673.0 EGP
Dust and liquid suction vacuum cleaner, 140 liters, 5 HP, on a Turkish HAZAN trolley, model AMSTERDAM 733

An industrial vacuum that suctions dust and liquids from a stainless steel tank on a metal trolley on wheels. Engine capacity (in horsepower): 5 hp 220 volts Air flow (l/min) 8.600 litres Filter surface (cm2) 19.500 cm2 Tank capacity (liters) 140 litres Hose diameter (mm) 38mm and 90mm Equipped with a 52,000 cm filter, automatic jet pulse and compressor. Air to clean the filter Includes all operating components

126524.0 EGP
Dust and liquid suction vacuum cleaner, 140 liters, 5.5 HP, on a Turkish HAZAN trolley, model TAURUS 604

Industrial vacuum cleaner for suction of dust and liquids, 380 volts, 3 phase Stainless steel tank on a metal trolley on wheels Engine capacity (in horsepower): 5.5 hp 380 volts Air flow (l/min) 7900 litres Tank capacity (liters) 140 litres Equipped with a 19,500 cubic centimeter star filter Includes all operating components

160863.0 EGP
Dust and liquid suction vacuum cleaner, 140 liters, 7.5 HP, on a Turkish HAZAN trolley, model TAURUS 605

Industrial vacuum cleaner for suction of dust and liquids, 380 volts, 3 phase Stainless steel tank on a metal trolley on wheels Engine capacity (in horsepower): 7.5 hp 380 volts Air flow (l/min) 8700 litres Tank capacity (liters) 140 litres Equipped with a 19,500 cubic centimeter star filter Includes all operating components

114766.0 EGP
Dust and liquid suction vacuum cleaner, 175 liters, 10 HP, on a Turkish HAZAN trolley, model TAURUS 607

Industrial vacuum cleaner for suction of dust and liquids, 380 volts, 3 phase Stainless steel tank on a metal trolley on wheels Engine capacity (in horsepower): 10 hp 380 volts Air flow (l/min) 14100 litres Tank capacity (litres): 175 litres Equipped with a 19,500 cubic centimeter star filter Includes all operating components

154747.0 EGP
Dust and liquid suction vacuum cleaner, 175 liters, 15 HP, on a Turkish HAZAN trolley, model TAURUS 608

Industrial vacuum cleaner for suction of dust and liquids, 380 volts, 3 phase Stainless steel tank on a metal trolley on wheels Engine capacity (in horsepower): 15 hp 380 volts Air flow (l/min) 14500 litres Tank capacity (litres): 175 litres Equipped with a 46,500 cubic centimeter star filter Includes all operating components

163216.0 EGP
Dust and liquid suction vacuum cleaner, 285 liters, 7.5 HP, on a Turkish HAZAN trolley, model MAMUT 705

Industrial vacuum cleaner that suctions dust and liquids, 380 volts, 3 phase Stainless steel tank on metal trolley Engine capacity (in horsepower): 7.5 hp 380 volts Air flow (L/min) 8700 L/min Tank capacity (litres): 35 litres Equipped with a 96,000 cm automatic Jet Pulse filter and an air compressor to clean the filter Includes all operating components

252285.0 EGP
Dust and liquids vacuum cleaner, 60 liters, 4200 watts, Turkish HAZAN, model MIRAGE 433

Industrial vacuum cleaner that suctions dust and liquids, 220 volts Tank capacity: 60 litres Motor capacity in watts: 4200 watts (3 motors) Hastily supplied with all components

9873.0 EGP
Dust and liquids vacuum cleaner, 80 liters, 4200 watts, Turkish HAZAN, model MIRAGE 633

Industrial vacuum cleaner that suctions dust and liquids, 220 volts Tank capacity: 80 litres Motor capacity in watts: 4200 watts (3 motors) Hastily supplied with all components

11519.0 EGP
Dust and water suction machine soteco vacuum cleaner Panda 440 63 liter

Liquid and dust suction machine with 3 Italian Soteco motors Tank capacity is 63 litres 3 motors The tank is made of stainless Without the trolley

22527.0 EGP
Dust suction machine soteco vacuum cleaner Panda 429 XP 62 Liter 2800w

Water and dust suction machine, Panda XP model, made in Italy The tank is made of stainless steel 2 motors Without trolley

18188.0 EGP
Dust suction machine soteco vacuum cleaner Panda 440XP 62 Liter 3500w

Italian Soteco Panda XP 62 Liter water and dust suction machine with a tank made of stainless With a tank capacity of 62 liters, 3 motors without the trolley

20837.0 EGP
Dust suction machine, 30 liters, Italian GNX 32

Dust and water suction machine with a tank capacity of 30 liters, made of stainless steel - motor capacity 1400 watts - operating current 220 volts Brand: Lavor Manufacture: Italian Model: GNX 32 Operating current: 220V-50Hz - 1 phase Motor capacity: 1400 watts Operation stages:- 1 motor Tank capacity:- 30 litres Tank type: stainless steel Other specifications:- The broom is wheel-loaded for easy movement ------- Al-Hurriya Supplies Company --- an authorized distributor of original Lavor products - beware of imitations!! For further inquiries Mr. Ahmed Saif 00201224733621 - 00201012098265

9385.0 EGP
FIMA F653/I 3-motor vacuum cleaner, 65 liters

Italian water and dust vacuum cleaner, 65 liters, Fima brand 3 motors with a capacity of 3600 watts Tank capacity is 65 litres The tank is made of stainless steel Electricity 220 volts 50/60 Hz

20857.0 EGP
Italian dust suction machine Lavor DOZER 260 IR

Italian dust suction machine, Lavor Vacume Cleaner brand, model DOZER 260 IR Product information Vacuum cleaner with 2 silent motor - two stages. Equipped with a suction system with side cooling. The tank's material is stainless steel. Equipped with an electric shock absorber. Equipped with a 2.5 meter flexible hose for easy use. Loaded on a shock-resistant trolley. Equipped with a float to protect the motor while suctioning water. Equipped with a 5-meter power cable for easy movement. The vacuum tank is tiltable for easy emptying. Possibility of replacing the tank completely. Equipped with a hose to empty the tank of water.

16443.0 EGP
Italian dust suction machine Lavor DOZER 280 IR

Italian dust suction machine, Lavor Vacume Cleaner brand, model DOZER 280 IR Product information Vacuum cleaner with 2 silent motor - two stages. Equipped with a suction system with side cooling. The tank's material is stainless steel. Equipped with an electric shock absorber. Equipped with a 4m flexible hose for easy use. Loaded on a shock-resistant trolley. Equipped with a float to protect the motor while suctioning water. Equipped with a 5-meter power cable for easy movement. The vacuum tank is tiltable for easy emptying. Possibility of replacing the tank completely. Equipped with a hose to empty the tank of water.

17787.0 EGP
Italian dust suction machine Lavor DOZER 380 IR

Italian dust and water suction machine, stainless steel tank, Lavor Vacume Cleaner brand, model DOZER 380 IR Product information Vacuum cleaner 3 silent motor - two stages. Equipped with a suction system with side cooling. The tank's material is stainless steel. Equipped with an electric shock absorber. Equipped with a 4m flexible hose for easy use. Loaded on a shock-resistant trolley. Equipped with a float to protect the motor while suctioning water. Equipped with a 5-meter power cable for easy movement. The vacuum tank is tiltable for easy emptying. Possibility of replacing the tank completely. Equipped with a hose to empty the tank of water.

22275.0 EGP
Italian dust suction machine Lavor RUDY 30 S

Italian dust suction machine, Lavor Vacume Cleaner brand, model RUDY 30 S Product information Low noise motor Double electrical insulation Suction system with cooling bus The vacuum cleaner is equipped with a blower to remove dust from surfaces The vacuum has places to store attachments and accessories Metal vacuum tank Electrical cable holder 1.5 meter long flexible hose

19683.0 EGP
Italian dust suction machine soteco vacuum cleaner Leo 12.5 liter

High quality Italian-made dust suction machine designed to extract dust with a capacity of 12.5 liters Low sound level of 57 dB - with high suction performance - Easy to use and store - It can be used in hospitals and hotels to avoid disturbing guests - produced by Soteco - Made in italy

6330.0 EGP
Italian glass suction vacuum cleaner SMX77 3-36

Glass vacuum cleaner from the production lines, made by Italian brand Lavor, with a motor capacity of 3000 watts, and a tank capacity of 78 liters, made of stainless steel. Brand: Lavor Made: Italian Model: SMX77 3-36 Motor capacity: 3000 watts Tank capacity: 78 litres Tank type: stainless steel Number of motors: 3 motors Operating current: 220V/50Hz ------- Al-Hurriya Supplies Company --- an authorized distributor of original Lavor products - beware of imitations!! For further inquiries Mr. Ahmed Saif 00201224733621 - 00201012098265

97656.0 EGP
Italian Lavor CF 30 EM dust suction machine

Italian dust suction machine, Lavor Vacume Cleaner brand, model CF 30 EM Product information Motor sound is low Double electrical insulation Suction system with cooling bus The vacuum tank is made of metal Power cable holder The power cord is 4.5 meters long The flexible hose is 2 meters long The vacuum cleaner is equipped with a 2200 watt power strip with manual on and off

23166.0 EGP
Italian Lavor soil and water suction machine 2 WAY TAURUS IR

Dust and water suction machine, capacity 78 liters - stainless steel tank, 220 volts, 3600 watts Brand: Lavor Manufacture: Italian Model: 2 way Taurus IR Operating current: 220V-50Hz - 1 phase Motor capacity: 3600 watts Operation stages:- 3 motors Tank capacity:- 78 litres Tank type: stainless steel Operating cable length: 10 meters The vacuum is mounted on a trolley for easy movement ------- Al-Hurriya Supplies Company --- an authorized distributor of original Lavor products - beware of imitations!! For further inquiries Mr. Ahmed Saif 00201224733621 - 00201012098265

23333.0 EGP
Italian Lavor WTP 50 XE dust suction machine

Italian dust suction machine, Lavor Vacume Cleaner brand, model WTP 50 product specification: Low motor sound Double electrical insulation Suction system with cooling bus A place attached to the vacuum to store attachments and accessories The vacuum tank is made of rust-resistant stainless steel Power cable holder 4 pivoting wheels for easy movement in all directions Maximum 2200W power socket included with electronic board to stop vacuum function Metal broom closure hooks Extension pipes made of metal 5 meter long power cable for easy movement 5m flexible hose

20169.0 EGP
Italian water and dust suction machine TAURUS IR

Italian Lavor water and dust suction machine, 220 volts, 3600 watts, capacity of 78 liters, stainless steel tank Brand: Lavor Manufacture: Italian Model: Taurus IR Operating current: 220V-50Hz - 1 phase Motor capacity: 3600 watts Operation stages:- 3 motors Tank capacity:- 78 litres Tank type: stainless steel Operating cable length: 10 meters The vacuum is mounted on a trolley for easy movement ------- Al-Hurriya Supplies Company --- an authorized distributor of original Lavor products - beware of imitations!! For further inquiries Mr. Ahmed Saif 00201224733621 - 00201012098265

25029.0 EGP
Italian water and dust suction machine, capacity 20 liters, VAC 20 S

Lavor machine for suctioning dust and water, with a tank capacity of 20 liters, made of stainless steel, with a motor capacity of 1200 watts, operating on 220 volts. Brand: Lavor Manufacture: Italian Model: VAC 20 S Operating current: 220V-50Hz - 1 phase Motor capacity: 1200 watts Operation stages:- 1 motor Tank capacity:- 20 litres Tank type: stainless steel Other specifications:- The broom is wheel-loaded for easy movement ------- Al-Hurriya Supplies Company --- an authorized distributor of original Lavor products - beware of imitations!! For further inquiries Mr. Ahmed Saif 00201224733621 - 00201012098265

9385.0 EGP
Italian water suction machine soteco vacuum cleaner Pand 629 78 liter

Italian water, liquid and dust suction machine Soteco brand, the tank is made of stainless steel Two motors with a tank capacity of 78 litres Includes: Trolley

24848.0 EGP
Lavor energy saving dust suction machine VENTI ENERGY

Dust suction machine, tank capacity: 20 liters, motor capacity: 1600 watts, operating current: 220 volts, bacteria-resistant plastic tank Brand: Lavor Manufacture: Italian Model: VENTI ENERGY Operating current: 220V-50Hz - 1 phase Motor capacity: 1600 watts Operation stages:- 1 motor Tank capacity:- 20 litres Type of tank: bacteria-resistant plastic The machine is equipped with three types of filters (environmentally friendly) Anti-impurities filter - water filter - carbon filter ------- Al-Hurriya Supplies Company --- an authorized distributor of original Lavor products - beware of imitations!! For further inquiries Mr. Ahmed Saif 00201224733621 - 00201012098265

Lavor WINDY365 water and dust suction machine

Water and dust suction machine, capacity 65 liters, 3600 watts, 220 volts, 10 meter cable Brand: Lavor Manufacture: Italian Model: WINDY365 Operating current: 220V-50Hz - 1 phase Motor capacity: 3600 watts Operation stages:- 3 motors Tank capacity:- 65 litres Tank type: stainless steel Operating cable length: 10 meters Flip for easy emptying The vacuum is mounted on a trolley for easy movement ------- Al-Hurriya Supplies Company --- an authorized distributor of original Lavor products - beware of imitations!! For further inquiries Mr. Ahmed Saif 00201224733621 - 00201012098265

18900.0 EGP