Protection missions for individuals

خوذة ترميل ضغط 8 بار أمريكي ماركة CLEMCO موديل APOLLO 100

لماذا تعد CLEMCO APOLLO 100 الخيار الأفضل؟ 1. أمان غير مسبوق – احمِ نفسك بأفضل المعدات عند العمل في بيئات السفع الرملي القاسية، فإن الأمان هو الأولوية القصوى. تتميز خوذة CLEMCO APOLLO 100 بتصميم مغلق بالكامل يمنع دخول الغبار والجزيئات الدقيقة، مما يحمي الجهاز التنفسي للمستخدم بشكل مثالي. مادة متينة مقاومة للصدمات لضمان الاستخدام الطويل الأمد. تصميم محكم يمنع تسرب المواد الضارة إلى الداخل. زجاج واقٍ متعدد الطبقات لمقاومة الخدوش والتلف، مما يطيل عمر الاستخدام. 2. راحة مطلقة – لأن راحتك تؤثر على إنتاجيتك ارتداء خوذة غير مريحة لساعات طويلة قد يكون مزعجًا، ولكن مع APOLLO 100، ستشعر براحة تامة بفضل تصميمها الذكي: بطانة داخلية ناعمة تقلل الضغط على الرأس وتضمن ملاءمة مثالية. نظام تهوية متطور يسمح بتدفق هواء نقي ومستمر، مما يقلل من الحرارة داخل الخوذة. وزن متوازن يمنع إرهاق الرقبة أثناء الاستخدام المطول. 3. أداء فائق – كفاءة تشغيل لا مثيل لها خوذة CLEMCO APOLLO 100 ليست مجرد أداة حماية، بل هي أيضًا عنصر يعزز الأداء العام للمشغلين: معدل استهلاك هواء مثالي يتراوح بين 160 – 200 لتر في الدقيقة، مما يضمن تهوية جيدة دون استهلاك زائد للطاقة. ضغط تشغيل يصل إلى 8 بار، مما يجعلها مناسبة لأقسى عمليات السفع الرملي. تصميم أمريكي عالي الجودة يضمن أداءً موثوقًا حتى في البيئات الأكثر تحديًا.

75000.0 EGP
خوذة ترميل ضغط من 6 : 8 بار أمريكي ماركة CLEMCO موديل APOLLO 600

نقدم لك خوذة CLEMCO APOLLO 600، المصممة خصيصًا لحماية المشغلين أثناء عمليات السفع الرملي الشاقة. بمعدل استهلاك هواء يتراوح بين 130 – 190 لتر في الدقيقة، وضغط تشغيل من 6 إلى 8 بار، هذه الخوذة ليست مجرد أداة أمان، بل هي استثمار في الإنتاجية والأداء الاحترافي. مع تصميم أمريكي عالي الجودة، وضمان حماية مناخية في درجات حرارة بين -6 إلى +40 درجة مئوية، تعد هذه الخوذة الخيار الأمثل لكل متخصص يبحث عن القوة والاعتمادية.

25600.0 EGP
بدلة ترميل قطن بالكامل أمريكي ماركة CLEMCO

نقدم لك بذلة ترميل CLEMCO القطنية بالكامل، المصممة خصيصًا لتوفير أمان مطلق وراحة استثنائية أثناء عمليات السفع الرملي. تم تصنيع هذه البذلة وفقًا لأعلى معايير الجودة الأمريكية، مما يجعلها خيارًا مثاليًا للمحترفين في مجال السفع الرملي، والطلاء الصناعي، والصناعات الثقيلة. لا تدع الرمال والعوامل البيئية تؤثر على إنتاجيتك – احصل على الحماية التي تستحقها!

68000.0 EGP
3m helmet

3M helmet high quality materials

311.0 EGP
An injury-absorbing youth

Shock absorbing gloves suitable for work in places that deal with metal manufacturing or shaping

315.0 EGP
Anti-fouling protection glasses transparent Chinese colored frame EMTOP brand

Protective glasses are essential tools for anyone who works in environments that require special protection, whether in workshops, on farms, or even in engineering projects. EMTOP Clear Anti-Feather Protection Glasses with Colorful Frame are designed to meet the needs of individuals looking for protection and style at the same time. In this article, we will review all the features of these glasses and how they can contribute to your safety while working, in addition to answering frequently asked questions about this product.

45.0 EGP
Bejiub yellow fast

Yellow vest with pockets, medium quality, with a luminous reflective belt

160.0 EGP
Black-yellow vest


290.0 EGP
Blue acid guantine

Blue gloves made of PVC materials to deal with acids and lined from the inside

125.0 EGP
Blue safety glasses

Safety glasses, blue, to protect against feathers and dust

16.0 EGP
Chinese anti-cut heavy duty gloves EMTOP brand

When it comes to safety on the job, a heavy duty safety glove is one of the essential tools every worker should have on hand. EMTOP heavy duty cut proof gloves are the ideal choice for those looking for both safety and comfort. These gloves are designed to provide maximum protection against cuts, making them ideal for use in various industries such as construction, manufacturing, and logistics. In this article, we will review all the features of this great product, highlight the technical specifications, and answer frequently asked questions about it, to help you make the right decision.

130.0 EGP
Chinese blue protection helmet Wokin brand

WOKIN Blue Protection Helmet is the perfect solution for you. Whether you are working on a construction site, workshop, or even doing outdoor activities, this helmet provides you with exceptional safety thanks to its durable and comfortable design. Designed to ensure your head is protected from potential injuries while working, the WOKIN Blue Helmet combines comfort and functionality into one design. In this article, we will go over all the features of the WOKIN Blue Safety Helmet, and how they can contribute to improving the level of safety in your business. We will also explain why this helmet is the first choice for high safety requirements.

190.0 EGP
Chinese load gloves EMTOP brand

In today's world, load gaskets are one of the essential tools that cannot be dispensed with in various fields, whether in construction, industry, or even in household work. EMTOP load gaskets are the ideal choice for anyone looking for quality, safety, and superior performance. Thanks to its durable and reliable design, this glove provides the necessary protection for your hands while performing heavy tasks. In this article, we will review this product's unique features, as well as detailed information to help you make the right decision when purchasing load gaskets.

80.0 EGP
Chinese orange phosphorescent vest Wokin brand

The orange phosphorescent vest from WOKIN is the perfect choice for you! Specifically designed to keep you safe while working on construction sites, roads, or any environment where increased visibility is needed. This phosphorescent orange vest is of high quality, making it not only comfortable, but also strong and withstands various conditions. If you work in the field of construction, repair, maintenance, or any field that requires movement in crowded or low-visibility work environments, this vest is an essential tool for your protection. In this article, we will learn about WOKIN Phosphor Orange Vest, and why it is the perfect choice to protect you while working, in addition to answering some common questions that may be on your mind. Read on to find out how this product can improve your safety on the job site.

110.0 EGP
Chinese protection gloves Wokin brand

In the tough, industrial world of work, nothing is more important than your personal safety. Whether you work in industrial workshops, engineering projects, home maintenance, or even simple manual labor, your safety should be the top priority. WOKIN protection gloves are the ideal choice for anyone looking for guaranteed protection and high quality. If you want to protect your hands while working, this gloves will be your ideal companion, as it provides you with comfort, durability, and high protection in all types of work. In this article, we will learn together about the advantages and benefits of WOKIN gloves, and how they can help you protect your hands while working. We'll also cover other important details that will matter to you before you make your purchasing decision.

115.0 EGP
Chinese red protection helmet Wokin brand

WOKIN protective helmet becomes the perfect solution for every person who seeks to do his job safely and comfortably. WOKIN Red Safety Helmet represents the best choice for those looking for reliable protection while working in high-risk environments. Whether you are on a construction site, an industrial workshop, or even doing home projects, the red WOKIN helmet offers you complete safety thanks to its innovative design and multiple features. In this article, we'll go over the top features of the WOKIN red helmet and explain why it should be an essential part of your personal gear. We'll cover all the details you need to know why this helmet deserves to be your first choice for protection.

190.0 EGP
Chinese wokin safety glasses

Safety first! If you work in workshops, industrial sites, or even home projects, you need a reliable way to protect your eyes. With WOKIN brand safety glasses, you won't have to worry about injuries or harmful impacts. These glasses are not just an ordinary protective device, but rather a masterful combination of quality, design, and modern technology that makes them the ideal choice for professionals and amateurs alike. Find out now what makes these glasses the best choice for protecting your eyes!

65.0 EGP
Electric welding gasket

Electric welding gloves, blue color, high quality Pakistani, lined from the inside

136.0 EGP
Electric welding gloves - chrome leather

Electric welding gloves, red color, chrome leather lined interior, medium quality Chinese

83.0 EGP
EMTOP brand Chinese padded mechanical gloves

Are you looking for a mechanical glove that combines protection and comfort at the same time? EMTOP padded mechanical gloves are the perfect choice for you. This glove is not just a work tool, it is a shield that protects your hands while performing heavy mechanical tasks. With its innovative design and unique features, this gloves will enhance your work efficiency and provide you with maximum safety. In this article, we will go over all the aspects that make EMTOP gaskets the first choice in the world of industrial tools.

360.0 EGP
EXPO safety helmet Spanish red color KAPPA brand

The KAPPA Red EXPO Safety Helmet is a helmet intended for use in work environments that require high protection, such as construction sites and heavy industries. Here is some key information about this helmet:

55.0 EGP
Fluorescent colored vest with two reflective stripes

Fluorescent colored vest with two reflective stripes

55.0 EGP
Fluorescent orange vest with two reflective stripes

Fluorescent orange vest with two reflective stripes

130.0 EGP
Fluorescent orange vest with two reflective strips and pockets

Fluorescent orange vest with two reflective stripes

170.0 EGP
Google glasses

Glasses with a transparent white rubber strap that cover the entire eye area

72.0 EGP
Green vest with two reflective stripes

Green vest with two reflective stripes

99.0 EGP
Guanti against cutting

Anti-cut silicone gloves, one size, made in China, medium quality, red x black color

28.0 EGP
Guanti against cutting

Silicone mechanical gloves, black x yellow, cut-resistant, made in China, medium quality

35.0 EGP
HARDEN brand flip-flop welding glasses

In the world of welding and metallurgy, safety and comfort at work are top priorities. If you are looking for a tool that provides you with reliable protection during welding operations, HARDEN flip-flop welding goggles are the ideal choice. These glasses combine high quality with practical design, making them indispensable for every professional or amateur in this field. In this article, we will review all aspects of these glasses, including their features and benefits of use, along with technical specifications. Let's also review some frequently asked questions about the product.

100.0 EGP
Harden brand sunglasses

In difficult work environments, such as manufacturing shops, construction sites, and even home crafts, eye protection is a priority. Splinters, dust, and chemicals all pose a serious threat to eye safety. Therefore, it is necessary to choose safety glasses that provide full protection and are of high quality. HARDEN Reichstick sunglasses are the perfect solution that combines protection and comfort, with advanced technology specifically designed to keep you safe while ensuring that it does not affect the clarity of vision or your comfort while working. In this article, we will give you a comprehensive look at the advantages of these glasses, and how they can be a smart investment for every professional or amateur.

75.0 EGP
Havanti Arjun

Argon welding gloves, heat-insulating deer leather, made in Pakistan, high quality, heavy duty - long gloves

139.0 EGP
Hawanti Arjun Kasir

Argon welding gloves, heat-insulating deer skin, made in Pakistan, high quality, heavy duty - short gloves

136.0 EGP
Head protection helmet multiple colors

Head protection helmet, multiple colors

45.0 EGP
Heavy duty leather gloves 10.5 inches Chinese brand EMTOP

In the world of heavy duty work, safety and quality are key elements that every professional must consider. This is where the EMTOP 10.5 Inch Leather Gloves come in, as they strike a perfect balance between protection and comfort. Whether you work in construction, industrial workshops, or any field that requires high manual skills, this gloves will become your ideal companion in all tasks. In this blog, we will review the advantages of the glove, its technical specifications, and the reasons why you should buy it now!

95.0 EGP
helmet msa

MSA helmets, English manufacture, high quality, hard service

170.0 EGP
HIMA men's safety shoes

HIMA men's safety shoes

749.0 EGP
Industrial bumps

Heavy duty plastic bumpers - 50x50 compressed plastic - heavy duty

Industrial security and personal protection tasks your comprehensive guide to maintaining safety at work sites

In today's world of work, there is an increasing need to adhere to occupational safety procedures to ensure employee protection and reduce risks on work sites. Whether you work on a construction site, a factory, or even in an office environment, having personal protective equipment (PPE) available is vital to reducing injuries and keeping workers safe. From protective helmets to eye protection goggles, from welding gaskets to safety boots, the types of protective equipment vary according to the nature of the work and the risks associated with it. In this blog, we will review the most important types of industrial security and personal protection equipment, the importance of using them, and how to choose the appropriate equipment for each job. We will also highlight frequently asked questions on this topic, and provide valuable tips to ensure best practices in using this equipment.

500.0 EGP
Men's safety shoes black HIMA brand

Men's safety shoes, black, HIMA brand

620.0 EGP

Yellow silencer, high-quality headphone, covers the entire ear to give more comfort

114.0 EGP