Various hand tools

ميني كمبروسر بمشتملات 12 فولت تايواني ماركة EURUFA

يعتبر ميني كمبروسر 12 فولت من ماركة EURUFA الخيار الأمثل لأولئك الذين يبحثون عن جهاز موثوق ومتين يمكنه تلبية احتياجاتهم من الهواء المضغوط بفعالية عالية. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى ضغط هواء قوي في مساحة صغيرة أو تبحث عن حل متكامل لمهام الهواء المضغوط في منزلك أو ورشتك، فإن هذا المنتج يضمن لك أداءً استثنائيًا. يتميز ميني كمبروسر EURUFA بعدة خصائص تجعله الخيار الأمثل: من الجودة العالية إلى الكفاءة في استهلاك الطاقة، وصولاً إلى تصميمه العملي. سنستعرض في هذا المقال أهم مميزات هذا المنتج وكيف يمكن أن يغير الطريقة التي تقوم بها باستخدام الأدوات الهوائية والمهام الأخرى.

2100.0 EGP
وصلة سريعة بنبل خرطوم 6.5×10مم تايواني ماركة EURUFA

وصلة سريعة بنبل خرطوم 6.5×10 مم من ماركة EURUFA هي الخيار الأمثل لك. هذا المنتج يتميز بتصميمه المتين والجودة العالية التي تضمن لك استخدامًا طويل الأمد دون مشاكل. سواء كنت تستخدمه في الورش الصناعية، الآلات الثقيلة، أو حتى في الأعمال اليومية، فإن هذه الوصلة توفر لك اتصالًا سريعًا وآمنًا بين الخراطيم المختلفة. في هذا المقال، سنتناول أبرز مميزات وصلة سريعة بنبل خرطوم 6.5×10 مم تايواني ماركة EURUFA، وسنوضح كيف يمكن أن تحسن من كفاءة عملك وتساهم في توفير الوقت والجهد بفضل سهولة استخدامها وقدرتها على تحمل ضغط العمل.

250.0 EGP
وصلة سريعة بنبل خرطوم  5*8مم  تايواني ماركة EURUFA

وصلة سريعة بنبل خرطوم 5×8 مم من ماركة EURUFA هي الخيار المثالي لك. بفضل التصنيع التايواني المتقن و التصميم المدروس، تضمن لك هذه الوصلة أداءً متفوقًا في العديد من التطبيقات الصناعية والهوائية. سواء كنت تعمل في الورش أو الأنظمة الهوائية أو المشاريع الأخرى التي تتطلب توصيلات قوية وسريعة، فإن هذه الوصلة تقدم لك كل ما تحتاجه. في هذا المقال، سوف نستعرض أبرز مميزات وصلة سريعة بنبل خرطوم 5×8 مم، وكيفية الاستفادة منها في بيئات العمل المختلفة، إلى جانب الإجابة عن بعض الأسئلة الشائعة التي قد تكون لديك.

230.0 EGP
وصلة سريعة بنبل خرطوم اروفا  8*12 مم  تايواني ماركة EURUFA

وصلة سريعة بنبل خرطوم 8×12 مم من ماركة EURUFA هي الخيار المثالي لك. سواء كنت تعمل في ورش العمل، الأنظمة الصناعية، أو التطبيقات الزراعية، توفر لك هذه الوصلة توصيلًا سريعًا وآمنًا بين الخراطيم، مما يساهم في تحسين كفاءة عملك ويقلل من وقت التوقف. في هذا المقال، سوف نستعرض أبرز مميزات وصلة سريعة بنبل خرطوم 8×12 مم، وكيفية استخدامها في مختلف الصناعات، بالإضافة إلى الإجابة عن بعض الأسئلة الشائعة المتعلقة بالمنتج.

250.0 EGP
وصلة سريعة بوز  مقاس 8 مم تايواني ماركة EURUFA

وصلة سريعة بوز 8 مم من ماركة EURUFA، فإنك أمام الخيار الأمثل. تعد هذه الوصلة حلاً موثوقًا في الأنظمة الهوائية، الهيدروليكية، و المعدات الصناعية التي تتطلب اتصالًا محكمًا بين الخراطيم. تتميز هذه الوصلة المصنوعة في تايوان بجودتها العالية، التي تجسد أحدث تقنيات التصنيع، مما يجعلها الخيار المثالي للعديد من التطبيقات. في هذا المقال، سوف نناقش أبرز مزايا وصلة سريعة بوز 8 مم، وكيفية استفادتك منها في المشاريع و الصناعات المختلفة، بالإضافة إلى الإجابة عن بعض الأسئلة الشائعة حول المنتج. ستكتشف كيف يمكن لهذه الوصلة أن تحسن الأداء وتوفر عليك الوقت والجهد.

190.0 EGP
وصلة سريعة سن قلاوظ نتاية 1/2 بوصة  تايواني ماركة EURUFA

وصلة سريعة سن قلاوظ نتاية 1/2 بوصة تايواني ماركة EURUFA هي الخيار المثالي لك. إذا كنت تحتاج إلى حل موثوق في الأنظمة التي تتطلب وصلات سريعة وقوية، فإن هذه الوصلة ستمكنك من إتمام المهام بكفاءة وسهولة. في هذه المقالة، سنستعرض أهم ميزات وصلة سريعة سن قلاوظ نتاية 1/2 بوصة من ماركة EURUFA، ونتعرف على استخدامها في مختلف الصناعات، وكيف يمكن أن تكون الحل الأمثل لمشاريعك القادمة. سنوضح أيضًا لماذا هذه الوصلة تعد خيارًا مثاليًا للمهنيين الذين يحتاجون إلى معدات ذات جودة عالية وموثوقية في العمل.

225.0 EGP
1-inch Italian regulator, air and oil filter, flli-ghiotto brand

In a world of modern industries that rely heavily on compressed air, maintaining stable air pressure and air and oil filtration is critical to ensuring optimal performance of pneumatic equipment and systems. If you are looking for a product that combines pressure regulation, air filtration and oil purification, the Flli-Ghiotto 1-inch Italian Air and Oil Filter and Regulator is the perfect solution for you. This advanced Italian device is the best choice for improving the working efficiency of pneumatic systems, maintaining a long life of the equipment, and ensuring a healthy and safe working environment. In this blog, we will review all the features and benefits of this product, and answer some frequently asked questions to help you make the decision that best suits your needs.

10350.0 EGP
1-inch Italian regulator, air and oil filter, flli-ghiotto brand

The 1-inch Italian Flli-Ghiotto regulator, air filter and oil are the ideal choice. In this blog, we will learn about the features of this unique product, how to improve the efficiency of pneumatic systems, and how to effectively reduce operational costs.

10500.0 EGP
1.8 mm Doku pistol, flli-ghiotto brand

The Flli-Ghiotto 1.8mm Doku Pistol Pistol is the perfect tool for you. This phonon is specially designed to ensure perfect paint distribution, whether you are using it for automotive, furniture or industrial projects. The Flli-Ghiotto phonics are distinguished by their high Italian quality, offering you outstanding performance that guarantees accurate and uniform results. In this article, we will discuss the advantages of this phone, the reasons why it is the ideal choice for fine work, as well as answer some common questions that may interest you. Let's learn more about the Doco 1.8mm gun and why it's the perfect tool for precise, professional painting results.

425.0 EGP
1/2 inch 12mm Italian Flare Connector flli-ghiotto brand

FLLI-GHIOTTO 1/2 inch 12mm Italian Flare Connector is one of the leading solutions offered by trusted companies to ensure efficient and safe installation in various systems. Whether you need to connect piping in hydraulic systems, gas systems, or other industrial applications, this Italian coupling provides you with the excellent performance you are looking for. Through this article, we will review the features of the FLLI-GHIOTTO 1/2 inch 12mm Italian Flare Connector, as well as the benefits it offers in various industries. We'll also cover how to install them, their many uses, and answer some frequently asked questions to ensure you're making the best decision for your industrial needs.

80.0 EGP
1/2 inch Italian elbow, flli-ghiotto brand

The Flli-Ghiotto 1/2" Italian Slotted and Slotted Elbow is the perfect choice for your needs. Whether you work in plumbing, industrial projects, or need a reliable product for your gas, water, or compressed air systems, this elbow will provide you with the excellent performance and durability you are looking for.

210.0 EGP
1/2 inch Italian pipe, flli-ghiotto brand

The Flli-Ghiotto 1/2 Inch Italian Pipe is the perfect solution you are looking for. This coating is specially designed to meet the needs of industrial and domestic applications thanks to its Italian manufacturing quality, making it the first choice for professionals and hobbyists alike. In this article, we'll go over all the ins and outs of the 1/2-inch Italian pipe, and explain why it's considered one of the best options on the market. We will review its benefits, advantages, and how to use it, in addition to answering common questions about the product, so that you have a clear picture of its features before making a purchase decision.

50.0 EGP
1/2-inch Italian push-button elbow, flli-ghiotto brand

The Flli-Ghiotto 1/2" Italian Deck and Deck Elbow is the ideal solution for such needs. This Italian product comes with a sturdy design and a guarantee of quality performance in every use, making it the perfect choice for those looking for reliable piping solutions. In this article, we'll take you through the benefits of Flli-Ghiotto's 1/2" Decker Elbow, and how it can improve the performance of your pipes and save you time and money in the long run. We'll also go over frequently asked questions about this product, and explain why this elbow is the ideal choice for many applications.

210.0 EGP
1/4 inch Italian flanged elbow, flli-ghiotto brand

In the world of plumbing and connections, good components are key to achieving optimal performance and safety in all systems. One such component that distinguishes itself in the market thanks to its high quality and precision is the Italian 1/4 inch butt and socket elbow from the Flli-Ghiotto brand. This reliable elbow offers users an ideal solution for pipe connections, whether water, gas or compressed air. In this article, we will cover the most prominent features of this unique product, and explain why it is the perfect choice to meet your needs.

80.0 EGP
1/4 inch Italian hexagon lacquer nut flli-ghiotto brand

Flli-Ghiotto brand 1/4 inch Italian hexagon lacquer nut is the perfect solution for you. Whether you work in the field of cars, mechanical systems, or even in industrial workshops, this nut provides you with all the strength and precision you need in performance. In this article, we will review everything related to this nut, including features, specifications, and benefits that make it the perfect choice.

25.0 EGP
1/4 inch Italian pipe, flli-ghiotto brand

The Flli-Ghiotto 1/4 Inch Italian Pipe is the perfect solution for all your needs. This gasket is carefully designed to provide a strong and secure seal in all types of pipes, whether intended for water, gas, or industrial applications. In this article, we'll reveal everything you need to know about the Flli-Ghiotto 1/4-inch pipe, including its features, benefits, and how to use it, as well as frequently asked questions that may interest you. Read on to find out why this medicine is considered among the best on the market.

25.0 EGP
1/4 inch Italian push and pull elbow flli-ghiotto brand

The Italian 1/4 inch Deck and Deck Elbow from the Flli-Ghiotto brand is the ideal choice that combines high quality with excellent performance. This elbow is specifically designed to meet the needs of users who seek long-lasting products that provide superior performance in all conditions. Whether you work in industrial or domestic fields, this elbow provides you with ideal solutions for efficient and safe connections. In this article, we will discover together the advantages of the Flli-Ghiotto 1/4" Decker Elbow and how it can contribute to improving the efficiency of the systems you use. We'll also discuss the technical specifications of this elbow, and address some frequently asked questions to help you make the best decision.

40.0 EGP
1/4 inch male thread connector, Italian flli-ghiotto brand

The Italian FLLI-GHIOTTO 1/4 inch screw connector is the perfect solution. This connector has been carefully designed using the latest Italian technology, to provide you with outstanding performance in all applications that require strong and secure connections. Whether you work in the gas industries, hydraulic systems, or even in home projects, this connector will ensure the perfect connection between pipes and hoses. In this article, we'll go over everything you need to know about the FLLI-GHIOTTO 1/4" Italian Decker Threaded Extension, including the most important features and benefits that make it the first choice for professionals in all industries.

50.0 EGP
1/8 inch Italian pipe, flli-ghiotto brand

The 1/8 inch Italian Flli-Ghiotto pipe is the ideal choice for you. This coating provides excellent pipe sealing performance while ensuring the safety of applications, whether in homes or industrial facilities. In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about the Flli-Ghiotto 1/8-inch pipe cap, including its benefits, advantages, and why it's a great choice for different sealing needs. We will also answer frequently asked questions about this product to show you how to fully benefit from it.

20.0 EGP
1/8 inch Italian push and pull elbow, flli-ghiotto brand

The Flli-Ghiotto 1/8" Thread and Decker Elbow is the perfect choice for those looking for reliable and resistant solutions in their systems. This Italian elbow features a sturdy design and is ideal for connecting pipes safely and efficiently, making it the ideal solution for various industrial and domestic applications. Italian Flli-Ghiotto quality is not just a trademark, it is a guarantee to users of a product that is strong, sustainable and performant. In this article, we'll discover together the importance of the Flli-Ghiotto 1/8" Decker Elbow and how it can contribute to improved connections in your systems. We will discuss its features, benefits of using it, answer common questions, in addition to the technical specifications that make it the best choice.

45.0 EGP
1/8 inch male cross connector, Italian flli-ghiotto brand

FLLI-GHIOTTO 1/8" Decker Cross Connector comes as one of the leading solutions that combine Italian quality and innovation. If you are looking for a cross connector that is durable, high performance, and easy to install, then this cross connector is the perfect choice for you. In this article, we will review all the features of the FLLI-GHIOTTO 1/8" thick connector and explain why this connector is the ideal choice for industrial and technical work. We'll cover everything you need to know about this product, including how to use it, its benefits, as well as answering the most frequently asked questions. You'll also learn how to install this extension easily, and why it stands out in the market.

125.0 EGP
10-inch Indian carpentry gabon, GUNR brand

GUNR brand 10-inch Indian carpentry jamb is the perfect choice for you. This product is one of the essential tools that any professional or hobbyist carpenter should own. With its distinctive design and the high quality of the GUNR brand, you will get exceptional performance that enhances the quality and speed of work. In this blog, we'll go over all the features and benefits that a 10-inch carpentry jig can offer you, and we'll answer some common questions you may have about the tool. Now let's get started on why this tool should be part of your toolkit.

750.0 EGP
10-inch Indian carpentry GUNR brand

10 inch Indian carpentry GUNR brand. This gibbon is considered an essential tool in advanced carpentry workshops, as it offers you extreme precision and excellent performance in all woodwork. With its durable and comfortable design, this gabon will be your ideal partner in completing professional work, whether in workshops or small projects. In this blog, we will discuss the most important features of the GUNR 10-inch Indian carpentry saw, why it is the ideal choice for carpentry professionals, and how you can use it to improve your results. We'll also go over the answers to frequently asked questions about this product so you can be prepared to use it at maximum efficiency.

950.0 EGP
10-inch Indian GUNR brand

GUNR 10-inch Indian brand is the ideal choice for both professionals and amateurs in various fields such as workshops, construction, and engineering industries. If you need a powerful and durable tool to carry out your projects with precision, the Guyon GUNR 10-inch will provide you with the exceptional performance you need. Through this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about the GUNR 10-inch Indian Gayon, and how it can improve your performance at work. We will highlight its main features, how it can help you save time and effort, as well as answer some common questions you may have about this product.

1100.0 EGP
10-inch Indian GUNR brand

10 inch Indian GUNR brand. Specially designed to meet the needs of professionals and hobbyists in different industries, this tool provides you with high performance and unparalleled accuracy. Whether you're working in the shop, construction sites, or on tool maintenance projects, the GUNR 10-Inch will deliver exceptional results. In this blog, we'll go into all the details about this unique tool, show you how it can improve your workflow, and answer some frequently asked questions you might have.

1100.0 EGP
10-inch Indian straight leg, GUNR brand

The GUNR 10-inch Indian jigsaw is considered an ideal solution for performing tasks with utmost precision. If you're looking for a tool that gives you complete control over precise measurements with durability that will stand the test of time, the GUNR pusher offers that and more. Its durable, functional design and premium quality suit the demands of professionals and hobbyists alike, making it a powerful addition to any workshop or workspace.

90.0 EGP
10-inch inner leg, Indian brand GUNR

With a 10-inch internal measuring device from the Indian brand GUNR, this measuring device combines Indian strength and high quality to be the ideal solution for all internal measuring needs with utmost accuracy and ease of use.

90.0 EGP
12-inch Indian straight leg, GUNR brand

Indian GUNR brand 12 inch straight leg. This premium product is not just a measuring tool; It is your ideal partner in completing all carpentry work with professional precision. With its advanced design and high-quality materials, the GUNR Justice League offers you exceptional performance every time you use it. In this blog, we will go over the features of the GUNR 12 Inch Indian Justice and show you why it should be part of your essential tools. We will also answer frequently asked questions about how to use this percolator and how to make the most of its properties.

100.0 EGP
12-inch inner leg, Indian brand GUNR

The 12 inch inner leg from the Indian brand GUNR is the tool that will bring you that quality you need in your work. Designed with Indian quality, this ruler excels in its ability to provide accurate and perfect measurements in various applications, whether you are a professional in the industry or an amateur looking for professional results.

100.0 EGP
14-inch Indian straight leg, GUNR brand

The GUNR 14-inch Indian straight leg is the ideal choice. This tower offers you international Indian quality and a practical design that combines durability and accuracy, to meet all your needs for measuring distances in workshops and various industries.

250.0 EGP
14-inch inner leg, Indian brand GUNR

If you work in engineering, carpentry, or manufacturing, accuracy in measurements is key to ensuring the success of any project. One of the tools that provides you with this precision is the Indian GUNR 14-inch inner man, which is the perfect choice for professionals looking for a reliable and powerful measuring tool. Whether you are performing precise work in workshops or engineering industries, this caliper will give you the perfect measurements with the highest level of accuracy. In this article, we will review the features of the GUNR 14-inch man and how it can help you implement your projects with professionalism and quality.

250.0 EGP
140mm Indian cast iron GUNR brand

GUNR brand 140 mm cast iron nozzle, as an essential tool that guarantees you precision and superior performance in various tasks. Whether you are working in construction, carpentry, or any project that requires strong, precise fastening, the GUNR 140mm cast iron is the ideal choice for your needs. In this blog, we will provide you with a comprehensive explanation of the features of the 140mm cast iron head, its many uses, and why it is the ideal choice for different professionals. We'll also address answers to frequently asked questions about the product, along with a technical specifications table to illustrate the finer details that set this product apart.

220.0 EGP
15-inch Indian straight leg, GUNR brand

Indian GUNR brand 15-inch steel man, the ideal tool for every professional or amateur in the fields of engineering, carpentry, manufacturing, and inspection. This pergola provides you with exceptional accuracy in the measurements you need, thanks to its advanced design and high quality. In this blog, we'll find out why the GUNR manipulator is the ideal choice for getting accurate and fast measurements, and how it can enhance your work efficiency. We will cover its most prominent features, its various uses, and the properties that make it an indispensable product in many industries.

270.0 EGP
15-inch inner leg, Indian brand GUNR

We present to you the Indian GUNR 15 inch inside leg, the tool specially designed to meet your standard needs with the highest quality and highest precision. Whether you are working in an industrial workshop, at home, or even on your personal projects, this pergola is the perfect solution for ensuring tight internal measurements.

260.0 EGP
150mm fli-ghiotto rubber fitting

In the world of heavy industries and applications, controlling hydraulic systems and ensuring safety and efficiency is critical. One of the key elements to achieving these goals is using the right coupling that provides optimal performance. If you are looking for a high-quality rubber joint that can withstand high pressures and environmental challenges, the FLLI-GHIOTTO 150mm rubber seal is the ideal solution for you. This coupling is designed to meet the needs of various industrial sectors such as hydraulic systems, piping, and heavy equipment, making it the ideal choice for many applications that require high pressure tolerance and corrosion resistance. In this article, we will go over the main advantages of this product and how it can improve your business performance.

900.0 EGP
15pcs multi rocket accessory set from Chinese brand EMTOP

Are you looking for a versatile tool that fits your daily needs at work or for home projects? EMTOP 15 Piece Multi Rocket Accessory Kit is the perfect solution for you! This kit combines high quality with excellent performance, making it the ideal choice for every technician or hobbyist. In this article, we will review all the features and specifications of this product, as well as the benefits of using it and answer the most frequently asked questions.

420.0 EGP
16-inch Indian straight leg, GUNR brand

GUNR brand 16 inch Indian straight leg is the ideal choice for you. This perforator features high quality and an innovative design that guarantees you accurate and easy results in all your projects. Whether you are a professional in engineering, design, or any other field that requires precision measurements, the GUNR ruler will be your indispensable tool. In this blog, we will discuss the most important features of the 16-inch steel man, its various uses, and the technical specifications that make it the best tool on the market.

280.0 EGP
16-inch inner leg, Indian brand GUNR

The GUNR brand 16-inch Indian underwear is the perfect solution. Made with Indian expertise and advanced technological features, this wonderful tool is designed to meet the needs of engineers, industrialists, carpenters and all craftsmen whose work requires precision and efficiency. In this article, we will learn about the details of the tower, its most prominent features, and why it is considered a smart investment for any professional looking for quality and accuracy.

280.0 EGP
17 mm Indian steel spark plug switch, GUNR brand

The GUNR brand 17 mm solid Indian spark plug wrench is the ideal choice to meet your needs in disassembling and installing spark plugs with precision and safety. This wrench is an essential tool for every professional mechanic or car enthusiast who needs a sturdy and accurate tool to perform engine maintenance. With its durable design and high quality, the GUNR 17mm Spark Plug Wrench can help you accomplish your tasks with the highest degree of efficiency. In this article, we will provide you with comprehensive details about this distinctive product, in addition to the benefits and characteristics that it brings you in engine maintenance, and how it can be an indispensable tool in your toolbox.

130.0 EGP
18-inch Indian straight leg, GUNR brand

The GUNR 18-inch Indian brand is one of the most prominent tools that provides you with accurate measurements, specially designed to achieve the highest level of performance in various industries. Whether you are in the field of engineering, carpentry, manufacturing, or inspection, this tower provides you with the ideal solution for all your needs. In this blog, we will review the most important features of the GUNR 18-inch Indian straightener, in addition to how to use it and the reasons for making it the preferred tool for many in different fields of work.

300.0 EGP