طلمبة نقل المواد الكيماويات والاحماض تعمل بالكهرباء بقدرة 2.2 كيلو وات قطر الدخول : 1.5 بوصة قطر الخروج : 1.25 بوصة معدل التدفق : 22متر مكعب / الساعة قدرة الموتور : 2.2 كيلو وات جسم الطلمبة من مادة بولي بروبلين تستخدم فى مجال الصناعات الكيميائية وقطاع معالجة المياه وقطاع المنظفات وقطاع مستحضرات التجميل والصناعات الدوائية
طلمبة نقل المواد الكيماويات والاحماض تعمل بالكهرباء بقدرة 5.5 كيلو وات قطر الدخول : 2.5 بوصة قطر الخروج : 2 بوصة معدل التدفق : 40 متر مكعب / الساعة قدرة الموتور : 5.5 كيلو وات جسم الطلمبة من مادة بولي بروبلين تستخدم فى مجال الصناعات الكيميائية وقطاع معالجة المياه وقطاع المنظفات وقطاع مستحضرات التجميل والصناعات الدوائية
Turkish defram pump for transporting liquids and chemicals, 55 liters per minute 3/4 inch 7 bar 1-CHEMICAL INDUSTRY: For transferring acids, alkalis, solvents, alcohols 2-REFINING INDUSTRY: For using as dosage, circulation pump, filter press pump 3-CERAMIC INDUSTRY: Glaze and slurry transfer 4-IN SHIP: Transferring bilge, sludge and chemicals 5-COSMETIC AND PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY: For transferring cream, shampoo, gel and other chemicals 6-PACKAGING INDUSTRY: Transfer and storage of products such as glue, resins, paint, varnish, ink
Defram Chemicals pump with a capacity of 150 liters/minute Entry and exit diameter is 1 inch 7 bar Made of polypropylene
Turkish defram pump made of polypropylene PVDF 16 litres/minute 7 bar Pulled from a depth of 1.5 metres Used to transport chemicals
Defram sanitary products pump with a capacity of 55 liters per minute Entry and exit diameter is 3/4 inch Operates up to 7 bar pressure Defram pump made of stainless steel, anti-corrosion Areas of use: 1 - Chemical industries for transporting acids and alcoholic solvents 2 - Food industries 3- Cosmetics The pump is corrosion resistant
Defram pump, 55 liters per minute, 3/4 inch, 7 bar, made of aluminum, Turkish manufacture HP05 Metalic Body AODD Pumps
Defram sanitary products pump with a capacity of 150 liters per minute Entry and exit diameter is 1 inch Operates up to 7 bar pressure Defram pump made of stainless steel, anti-corrosion Areas of use: 1 - Chemical industries for transporting acids and alcoholic solvents 2 - Food industries 3- Cosmetics The pump is corrosion resistant
Defram pump for transporting chemicals and liquids, 150 liters / minute 1 inch entry and exit 7 bar HP10 Metalic Body AODD Pumps
Defram pump, high pressure up to 15 bar, body made of aluminum, capacity 75 liters / minute Entry and exit diameter is 1 inch 14 bar
Defram pump made of aluminum and stainless steel, used to transport chemicals and oils 400 litres/minute 1.5 inch entry and exit 7 bar
Defram pump, high pressure up to 15 bar, body made of aluminum, capacity 200 liters / minute Entry and exit diameter is 1.5 inches 14 bar
Defram pump, high pressure up to 15 bar, body made of aluminum, capacity 260 liters / minute Entry and exit diameter is 2 inches 14 bar
Defram pump, high pressure up to 15 bar, body made of aluminum, capacity 445 liters / minute Entry and exit diameter is 3 inches 14 bar
Defram sanitary products pump with a capacity of 400 liters per minute Entry and exit diameter is 1.5 inches Operates up to 7 bar pressure Defram pump made of stainless steel, anti-corrosion Areas of use: 1 - Chemical industries for transporting acids and alcoholic solvents 2 - Food industries 3- Cosmetics The pump is corrosion resistant
Defram pump for transporting chemicals, made of polypropylene, with a capacity of 400 liters/minute Entry and exit diameter is 1.5 inches The body is made of PVDF polypropylene 7 bar
Defram Chemicals pump made of polypropylene, Turkish manufacture Capacity 55 litres/minute 7 bar 3/4 inch Pulled from a depth of 6 metres
Turkish defram pump for transporting liquids, oils and chemicals, with a capacity of 560 liters / minute Entry and exit diameter is 2 inches 7 bar Made of aluminum and stainless steel HP20 Metalic Body AODD Pumps
Defram pump with capacity of 890 liters/minute Entry and exit diameter is 3 inches 7 bar Made of aluminum and stainless
Defram pump for transporting chemicals and liquids with a capacity of 890 litres/minute Entry and exit diameter is 3 inches 7 bar Body made of polypropylene
Defram sanitary products pump with a capacity of 560 liters per minute Entry and exit diameter is 2 inches Operates up to 7 bar pressure Defram pump made of stainless steel, anti-corrosion Areas of use: 1 - Chemical industries for transporting acids and alcoholic solvents 2 - Food industries 3- Cosmetics The pump is corrosion resistant
Defram sanitary products pump with a capacity of 890 liters per minute Entry and exit diameter is 3 inches Operates up to 7 bar pressure Defram pump made of stainless steel, anti-corrosion Areas of use: 1 - Chemical industries for transporting acids and alcoholic solvents 2 - Food industries 3- Cosmetics The pump is corrosion resistant
An electric pump for transporting chemicals and acids with a capacity of 0.37 kilowatts Entry diameter: 1 inch Exit diameter: 1.25 inches Flow rate: 9 cubic meters / hour Motor capacity: 0.37 kW It is used in the chemical industries, water treatment sector, detergents sector, cosmetics sector and pharmaceutical industries
An electric pump for transporting chemicals and acids with a capacity of 0.75 kilowatts Entry diameter: 1 inch Exit diameter: 1.25 inches Flow rate: 9.5 cubic meters / hour Motor capacity: 0.75 kW It is used in the chemical industries, water treatment sector, detergents sector, cosmetics sector and pharmaceutical industries
An electric pump for transporting chemicals and acids with a capacity of 1.1 kilowatts Entry diameter: 1 inch Exit diameter: 1.25 inches Flow rate: 10 cubic meters / hour Motor capacity: 1.1 kW It is used in the chemical industries, water treatment sector, detergents sector, cosmetics sector and pharmaceutical industries
An electric pump for transporting chemicals and acids with a capacity of 1.5 kilowatts Entry diameter: 1.25 inches Exit diameter: 1.5 inches Flow rate: 24 cubic meters / hour Motor capacity: 1.5 kW It is used in the chemical industries, water treatment sector, detergents sector, cosmetics sector and pharmaceutical industries
An electric pump for transporting chemicals and acids with a capacity of 2.2 kilowatts Entry diameter: 1.25 inches Exit diameter: 1.5 inches Flow rate: 25 cubic meters / hour Motor capacity: 2.2 kW It is used in the chemical industries, water treatment sector, detergents sector, cosmetics sector and pharmaceutical industries
An electric pump for transporting chemicals and acids with a capacity of 3 kilowatts Entry diameter: 1.5 inches Exit diameter: 2 inches Flow rate: 32 cubic meters / hour Motor capacity: 3 kW It is used in the chemical industries, water treatment sector, detergents sector, cosmetics sector and pharmaceutical industries
An electric pump for transporting chemicals and acids with a capacity of 3 kilowatts Entry diameter: 2.5 Exit diameter: 2 Flow rate: 40 cubic meters / hour Motor capacity: 3 kW It is used in the chemical industries, water treatment sector, detergents sector, cosmetics sector and pharmaceutical industries
Defram sanitary products pump with a capacity of 150 liters per minute Entry and exit diameter is 1 inch Operates up to 7 bar pressure Defram pump made of stainless steel, anti-corrosion Areas of use: 1 - Chemical industries for transporting acids and alcoholic solvents 2 - Food industries 3- Cosmetics The pump is corrosion resistant