Industrial security tasks

فيست لون فسفوري-ازرق

فيست لون فسفوري - ازرق

129.0 EGP
فيست برتقالي مزود بشريطين عاكس

فيست برتقالي مزود بشريطين عاكس

215.0 EGP
فيست فسفوري - اسود مزود بشريطين عاكس

فيست فسفوري - اسود مزود بشريطين عاكس

125.0 EGP
فيست أخضر مزود بشريطين عاكس

فيست أخضر مزود بشريطين عاكس

99.0 EGP
فيست لون فسفوري - برتقالي مزود بشريطين عاكس  وجيوب

فيست لون فسفوري - برتقالي مزود بشريطين عاكس

170.0 EGP
فيست لون فسفوري - برتقالي مزود بشريطين عاكس

فيست لون فسفوري - برتقالي مزود بشريطين عاكس

130.0 EGP
فيست لون فسفوري موزد بشريطين عاكس

فيست لون فسفوري موزد بشريطين عاكس

55.0 EGP
حذاء سيفتي رجالي ماركة HIMA

حذاء سيفتي رجالي ماركة HIMA

749.0 EGP
قفل أمان فولاذي قصير

قفل أمان فولاذي قصير جسم من النايلون المقوى ، يتحمل درجة الحرارة من -20℃ إلى +80℃. تكبل الصلب مطلي بالكروم. الأصفاد غير الموصلة مصنوعة من النايلون ، تتحمل درجة الحرارة من -20℃ إلى +120℃، ضمان قوة وتشوه كسر ليس من السهل. ميزة الاحتفاظ بالمفتاح: عندما يكون القيد مفتوحًا ، لا يمكن إزالة المفتاح

265.0 EGP
خوذة حماية للرأس ألوان متعددة

خوذة حماية للرأس ألوان متعددة

45.0 EGP
فيست لون أحمر مزود بشريطين عاكس

فيست لون أحمر مزود بشريطين عاكس

99.0 EGP
حذاء سيفتي رجالي لون أسود ماركة HIMA

حذاء سيفتي رجالي لون أسود ماركة HIMA

620.0 EGP
مريلة لحام باكستاني

مريلة لحام باكستاني

225.0 EGP
جوانتي لحام بألوان متعددة

جوانتي لحام بألوان متعددة

140.0 EGP
إشارة مرور دائرية مزودة بإضائة تحيرية للطرق السريعة  تحذيرية مزودة بثلاث قوائم

إشارة مرور دائرية مزودة بإضائة تحيرية للطرق السريعة تحذيرية مزودة بثلاث قوائم

2650.0 EGP
عمود تحذير مرن قابل للتحريك مزود بثلاث شرائط عاكسة للطرق

عمود تحذير مرن قابل للتحريك مزود بثلاث شرائط عاكسة للطرق

205.0 EGP
قفازات السلامة قطن 100%

قفازات السلامة قطن 100%

29.0 EGP
مهمات الأمن الصناعي والحماية الشخصية دليلك الشامل للحفاظ على السلامة في مواقع العمل

في عالم العمل اليوم، تزداد الحاجة إلى الالتزام بإجراءات السلامة المهنية لضمان حماية الموظفين وتقليل المخاطر في مواقع العمل. سواء كنت تعمل في موقع بناء، أو مصنع، أو حتى في بيئة مكتبية، فإن توفير معدات الحماية الشخصية (PPE) يعد أمرًا حيويًا للحد من الإصابات والحفاظ على سلامة العمال. من الخوذات الواقية إلى النظارات الحامية للأعين، ومن جوانتيات اللحام إلى الأحذية السيفتي، تختلف أنواع معدات الحماية وفقًا لطبيعة العمل والمخاطر المرتبطة به. في هذه المدونة، سنستعرض أهم أنواع معدات الأمن الصناعي والحماية الشخصية، وأهمية استخدامها، وكيفية اختيار المعدات المناسبة لكل وظيفة. سنسلط الضوء أيضًا على الأسئلة الشائعة حول هذا الموضوع، ونقدم نصائح قيمة لضمان أفضل الممارسات في استخدام هذه المعدات.

500.0 EGP
150 meter warning tape

Work area and electrical hazard warning tape, yellow color, made of high-quality materials to be durable, 200 meters long

114.0 EGP
3m helmet

3M helmet high quality materials

311.0 EGP
An injury-absorbing youth

Shock absorbing gloves suitable for work in places that deal with metal manufacturing or shaping

315.0 EGP

Anti-slip and anesthetic signs for workplaces

290.0 EGP
Argon welding jacket with leather sleeves

Argon welding jacket made of cotton with leather sleeves to provide the necessary protection from welding, lined from the inside

1844.0 EGP
Bejiub yellow fast

Yellow vest with pockets, medium quality, with a luminous reflective belt

160.0 EGP
Black-yellow vest


290.0 EGP
Blue acid guantine

Blue gloves made of PVC materials to deal with acids and lined from the inside

125.0 EGP
Blue safety glasses

Safety glasses, blue, to protect against feathers and dust

16.0 EGP
Construction site warning tape

Construction site warning tape Different concepts for different colors of bar barrier There are different concepts for different colors of barrier tape and indicate keeping people away from dangerous areas. We intend to clarify and explain the different concepts of the tape barrier as follows: Yellow color: Yellow warning tape is used for jobs, civil and industrial construction, and seeks to warn people of the dangers of falling or the dangers of materials falling on them. Red or orange color: Most of the time, red and orange warning tape is used at fire stations and during all relief operations that require assistance and removing people from the danger zone. Blue color: Blue color warning tape is used for urban water supply and sanitation. Red and white color: It is used with red and white signs for marking and warning in workshops and fire-fighting facilities and prevents people from entering dangerous environments.

128.0 EGP
Different concepts for different colors of bar barrier

Different concepts for different colors of bar barrier There are different concepts for different colors of barrier tape and indicate keeping people away from dangerous areas. We intend to clarify and explain the different concepts of the tape barrier as follows: Yellow color: Yellow warning tape is used for jobs, civil and industrial construction, and seeks to warn people of the dangers of falling or the dangers of materials falling on them. Red or orange color: Most of the time, red and orange warning tape is used at fire stations and during all relief operations that require assistance and removing people from the danger zone. Blue Color: Blue color warning tape is used for urban water supply and sanitation. Red and white color: It is used with red and white signs for marking and warning in workshops and fire-fighting facilities and prevents people from entering dangerous environments.

128.0 EGP
Digging area warning tape

Digging area warning tape Different concepts for different colors of bar barrier There are different concepts for different colors of barrier tape and indicate keeping people away from dangerous areas. We intend to clarify and explain the different concepts of the tape barrier as follows: Yellow color: Yellow warning tape is used for jobs, civil and industrial construction, and seeks to warn people of the dangers of falling or the dangers of materials falling on them. Red or orange color: Most of the time, red and orange warning tape is used at fire stations and during all relief operations that require assistance and removing people from the danger zone. Blue Color: Blue color warning tape is used for urban water supply and sanitation. Red and white color: It is used with red and white signs for marking and warning in workshops and fire-fighting facilities and prevents people from entering dangerous environments.

128.0 EGP
Electric welding gasket

Electric welding gloves, blue color, high quality Pakistani, lined from the inside

136.0 EGP
Electric welding gloves - chrome leather

Electric welding gloves, red color, chrome leather lined interior, medium quality Chinese

83.0 EGP
Electrical hazard warning tape

Electrical hazard warning tape Different concepts for different colors of bar barrier There are different concepts for different colors of barrier tape and indicate keeping people away from dangerous areas. We intend to clarify and explain the different concepts of the tape barrier as follows: Yellow color: Yellow warning tape is used for jobs, civil and industrial construction, and seeks to warn people of the dangers of falling or the dangers of materials falling on them. Red or orange color: Most of the time, red and orange warning tape is used at fire stations and during all relief operations that require assistance and removing people from the danger zone. Blue color: Blue color warning tape is used for urban water supply and sanitation. Red and white color: It is used with red and white signs for marking and warning in workshops and fire-fighting facilities and prevents people from entering dangerous environments.

128.0 EGP
Electrical warning tape

An electrical hazard warning tape made of high-quality materials to withstand a length of 200 meters

145.0 EGP
Extended stick

An extended stick to connect the cones to determine roads and directions

137.0 EGP
Fire hazard warning tape

Fire hazard warning tape Different concepts for different colors of bar barrier There are different concepts for different colors of barrier tape and indicate keeping people away from dangerous areas. We intend to clarify and explain the different concepts of the tape barrier as follows: Yellow color: Yellow warning tape is used for jobs, civil and industrial construction, and seeks to warn people of the dangers of falling or the dangers of materials falling on them. Red or orange color: Most of the time, red and orange warning tape is used at fire stations and during all relief operations that require assistance and removing people from the danger zone. Blue Color: Blue color warning tape is used for urban water supply and sanitation. Red and white color: It is used with red and white signs for marking and warning in workshops and fire-fighting facilities and prevents people from entering dangerous environments.

128.0 EGP
Flexible funnel

Flexible marking funnel made of flexible PVC

234.0 EGP
Gas transmission pipe warning tape

Gas transmission pipe warning tape Different concepts for different colors of bar barrier There are different concepts for different colors of barrier tape and indicate keeping people away from dangerous areas. We intend to clarify and explain the different concepts of the tape barrier as follows: Yellow color: Yellow warning tape is used for jobs, civil and industrial construction, and seeks to warn people of the dangers of falling or the dangers of materials falling on them. Red or orange color: Most of the time, red and orange warning tape is used at fire stations and during all relief operations that require assistance and removing people from the danger zone. Blue Color: Blue color warning tape is used for urban water supply and sanitation. Red and white color: It is used with red and white signs for marking and warning in workshops and fire-fighting facilities and prevents people from entering dangerous environments.

128.0 EGP
Google glasses

Glasses with a transparent white rubber strap that cover the entire eye area

72.0 EGP
Guanti against cutting

Anti-cut silicone gloves, one size, made in China, medium quality, red x black color

28.0 EGP